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Entity: Mike Breen


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3DM is a global movement of missional leaders, led by Mike Breen and based in North America.

3DM Europe operates as part of this growing movement in the UK, Europe, Africa and Australasia.

3DM Europe trains churches and Christian leaders to do discipleship and mission in an increasingly post-Christian world.

We look to combine our many years of learning in a very secular UK context with our experience of working with hundreds of faith communities worldwide — to come alongside churches and organisations who want to address the challenges facing the future of the church.

We are a ministry grown out of the local church in Sheffield – working with leaders and churches on the topics of discipleship, missional communities, leadership and church.
 We resource a growing movement of Christian leaders throughout different denominations worldwide who are learning to bring discipleship and mission to the heart of the local church.

Our vision is to make disciples, empower leaders and catalyse movements.


Over 20 years ago, a movement was birthed. It began with ordinary people. Office workers, mums, young adults, pensioners, students and everyone in between.

Ordinary people inspired by an extraordinary God.
More and more, those ordinary people began to look like Jesus in their environment – wherever that was, in whatever they did, and steadily they began to change the world around them.

This change saw many discipled and come to faith, as well as many communities transformed. Over time, the movement grew one of the largest churches in the UK. But more importantly, a culture of missional discipleship was established, whereby leaders could be raised up and sent into every imaginable missional context to go and reproduce this same transformation.

Many years later, that movement has spread far beyond the original city limits.

There is a growing realisation in the church that we live in a changing society: Christendom has long gone and a new approach for our communities and cities is needed: We can no longer wait and expect “them” to “come to us”.

Our experience has taught us that our communities, cities and nations need missional disciples who authentically live out the call of Jesus in their everyday lives. Our vision is for movements – missional movements – birthed from, and lived out through the local church.

Our adventure has already begun. We invite you to come and join us.

Click Here or below to find out more about 3DM Europe and what we do