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Archive Datetime: 2015-03-24T07:16:58


As I prepare for STAND Minneapolis Women’s Equipping Weekend, I have been pondering the battles women face that keep us from living a missional life.

I’m convinced the enemy uses a sneaky stall tactic to paralyze us, to keep us in our own head, to slow down the kingdom impact we’re able to have around us. If he can just keep us focused on ourselves, well…then we’re not so focused on our neighbor, on investing in others, on looking for people of peace.

Here’s how this plays out.

I can’t be “missional” because other people are so much better at it than me! I don’t know what to say. It feels awkward. I’m not good at talking about my faith.

It sounds familiar. The long list of “I cant’s!” sounds a bit like Moses, doesn’t it? “Not me, Lord, I stutter! Surely there’s SOMEONE else you can use, someone much more qualified than I?!”

Yet the Lord chose him, using him in spite all the reasons why someone else might do it better. It was an internal battle Moses had to win to step into the calling the Lord had on his life. The Father had a vision for his life much larger than Moses could see in that moment. And it wasn’t about his qualifications or his abilities; it was about the Lord getting the glory.

I can’t be “missional” because my life isn’t perfect. I need a bigger (and spotless!) house to invite people in. What if they see my messes? What if they see my imperfections? What if my kids say something embarrassing? What if they get too close and see the “real” me that isn’t yet like Jesus?

Ladies, Martha Stewart and Pinterest have not helped us here! They’ve given us this unattainable picture of perfection and longing for magazine-like beauty at home that isn’t actually reality for most of us. Real people have real messes. Dirty laundry, dishes in the sink, dust bunnies in the corner.

If we only invite people in when there’s vacuum lines in our carpet, we’ve lost the point of inviting them close to SEE us. If all they see is perfection, how will our friends see how WE need Jesus? The world needs to see how Jesus meets us in our desperation, how He’s present in our suffering, how He transforms our hearts, how He brings life.

I can’t be “missional” because there just isn’t time. I’m so busy. Our lives are crazy! I don’t know when I would make time.

If only we could allow the Lord to breathe some missional creativity into the things we are ALREADY doing! It’s amazing when things like running our kids to their sports activities, picking up groceries or working out at the gym become an outlet for mission. Living a naturally missional life is less about adding things to our schedules and more about seeing the everyday places and spaces of our lives as opportunities for God to break in.

Ladies, there’s a frontier waiting. The Kingdom of God is ready to come to your neighborhood, your community, your city. It’s time for us to hike up our big girl pants and get on with it! So here’s your invitation to throw your Martha Stewart-meets-Pinterest idea of a perfect life to the waste side and join the rest of us normal, messy, everyday women who still need Jesus on an adventure of a lifetime.



Women’s Equipping Weekend

March 27-28, 2015

Register Now

photo credit: Barricade Signs via photopin (license)