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my co-author for LMC

October 14, 2010

by Mike Breen

As many of you know, we’re getting ready to release what we hope will be one of the definitive books on MCs: Launching Missional Communities–a field guide.

I’ve co-authored this book with Alex Absalom who has worked with MCs extensively, both in the UK and here in the United States. A little while ago Alex started a blog on all things Missional Communities and wanted you guys to have access to his wealth of knowledge. Here’s his blog!

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Robert Quarton permalink

October 14, 2010 8:28 pm Looking forward to the new book on MC. Will it be available in the UK?


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[localchurchpastor]( [permalink](\* 

 October 14, 2010 8:35 pm 
We are working on that, but at the very least you can order it on 3DM’s website and we’ll ship it over.


Jason Rallis permalink

October 15, 2010 5:02 am Awesome. Thanks for the share Mike.

I’m super excited for this resource. We ordered our copies while at Lewis. Can’t wait.


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