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Children’s Ministry thoughts

November 4, 2010

One of the churches we are working with just finished a white paper on Children’s Ministry. They did 6 months of research on child development and discipling kids (legit research) and put the findings in a very short paper (4 pages) and then a proposal for what Children’s Ministry could look like (2 pages)…for a total of 6 pages. The research was unbelievable and at some points jawdropping.

For instance…”Children were more likely to have vibrant faith if the parents weren’t even Christians than if the parents went to church and didn’t act as the primary disciplers of their kids.”

The findings basically say that the way we’ve done Children’s Ministry in the past 30 years (and perhaps longer) doesn’t work…almost ever! I think we’ve probably known this, but it’s helpful to know why…and more positively…what we can do to change that.

The white paper doesn’t have all the research, more of the topline findings and highlights + a way forward that is consistent with how 3DM is coming alongside local churches.

Anyways, here is the link to the PDF if you’re interested. Hope you enjoy it.