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art done well

December 29, 2010

by localchurchpastor

Over the past couple years, more and more churches claim to combine art, beauty and worship together in a meaningful, seamless way. Many try, many fail. However, I think we can all say that the fact we are even trying to move in this direction is a fantastic shift.

However, my friend Greg commissioned a team a team and they produced this beautiful project. If you’ve got about 3 minutes, you’re gonna wanna see this.


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Phillip James Dolby permalink

December 29, 2010 10:40 am Hot topic.

An aspect of what art brings to the Church is a redemptive ability to reimagine the future in light of God’s perspective.

When we’re building cultures based on analysis, troubleshooting and risk assessment, this prophetic dimension is often the first to go.

People become overly concerned in the rational, measurable, monitorable execution of once gospel-motivated activities or tasks which have taken precedence over spiritual authenticity.

To quote a discipleship figure in my world, “The truth about God should never be divorced from it’s source – a heartfelt relationship with God.”

Reply 2.

the holly permalink

December 29, 2010 12:53 pm thanks, mike! this is amazing. i appreciated the color and the use of sketch but, honestly, without the white board. :)

Reply 3.

David permalink

December 30, 2010 8:38 pm Really well done. I love the simple beauty of sharpie on butcher paper.



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