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Missional Communities Series | Post #2

January 19, 2011

by localchurchpastor

I’ve already mentioned it, but the 3DM team is going to be at the Exponential Conference at the end of April, down in Orlando, Florida. Exponential is the largest church planters conference in the world, and this year, they’ve teamed up with another conference: VERGE. The focus of the conference? Missional Communities.

As you might expect, we’re pretty excited about this and will have 5 different slots when we’re speaking and interacting with people, as well as one Main Stage talk.

Leading up to the conference, VERGE  is doing a series of articles and videos to stoke the intellectual fires. The articles came out a couple of weeks ago, answering the question, ‘What is a Missional Community?’ You can read that here.

We also created a video tackling the same question, but with some other thoughts baked in, slightly different than the article. As we are doing a whole 4 month series on Missional Communities, seemed appropriate to share it!

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patridew permalink

January 19, 2011 11:29 pm Hi Mike, Michael Steward visited us here in Bkk with Dave Gibbons. Dave started our church, NewSong Bkk, back six years ago. It was a missional community even before (I think) the term was being used. Have you read The Monkey and The Fish? My husband and I are part of the leadership team here. We’ve been in Bkk for 20 years.

Looking forward to your posts.

Pat DeWit

Reply 2.

Stan Rodda permalink

January 24, 2011 6:19 pm What does this mean for small/cell/life groups? Seems that along with missional communities there is a shift away from groups of 12, as most of this conversation revolved around mid-size groups that can be as large as 40 or 50 (is that a fair estimate?). I’m just curious what this means for a church that has based so much of who it is on a life group model with groups of 12 who for the most part, simply study the Bible. Is this an abandonment of that model? Is it in addition to that model? Is it living something out in hopes that the groups develop into or providing opportunities for them to, become missional communities.

I hope that even made sense. It does in my head. hahah


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[localchurchpastor]( [permalink](\* 

 January 24, 2011 6:54 pm 
Stan, if you click on the “Missional Communities” link to the right on my links section, it’ll take you to a Wikipedia article that goes into detail about that very question!


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	[Stan Rodda]( [permalink]( 
	 January 24, 2011 7:49 pm 
	Thank you.


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