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Missional Communities series | Post #13

March 7, 2011

by Mike Breen

Just to remind everyone, a few months ago we released a book called Launching Missional Communities that really takes all of the theology, theory, practices and 20 years of experience working with MCs and put it all in one book. It’s not a formula or silver bullet, but as we like to say, while there isn’t a formula for these things, often times there is form.

Now for that last few years a lot of people have been writing about the theory about doing church differently…particularly about MCs. And theory is GREAT. But we kept running into church leaders who wanted a really practical resource. So this book is for them. (Which you can purchase here. Seriously. You should pick it up). ;-)

One of the more exciting things is seeing different reviews of the book start to light up the blogosphere; fortunately for us, people have had some very gracious things to say about the book. In case you’re wondering what a few of those people are saying, here are a few choice reviews:

…or check out some of the reviews on Amazon!

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Rob permalink

March 7, 2011 5:21 am Is there a release date for a Kindle ebook? I already have a hard copy but would like to get one for my Kindle as well!


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[Mike Breen]( [permalink](\* 

 March 7, 2011 5:25 am 
We just signed a contract with an e\-book publisher and will start releasing them in the not too distant future. However, we’re starting with Building a Discipling Culture, which has undergone a pretty serious re\-write (and for the better!). I think that’s coming out in May/June.

After that, we’ll look to release Launching Missional Communities.


Sam Lovell permalink

March 7, 2011 3:13 pm I love this book Mike! Really great! I love how practical it is and the way it even goes into dealing with pastoral needs and rights of passage within your community. I will definitely be recommending it to people.


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[Mike Breen]( [permalink](\* 

 March 7, 2011 3:23 pm 
Thanks, Sam! We’re really happy with it too. ![:-)]( 


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