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last call for East Coast church planters…and BIG NEWS for all you West Coasters

May 23, 2011

First things first: If you frequent this blog, you know we’re doing a church planter workshop dealing with Missional Communities in two weeks. From our end, it’s been crazy how many people have signed up with no advertising accept through this blog. If you’re still looking to sign up but haven’t, you can register here, but do so quickly because registration is closing soon.

What’s the BIG NEWS for West Coasters?

We’ve had scads of people writing us, asking if we’d do one of these workshop on the West Coast…and so we’ve decided to do just that. We don’t have the exact dates/place quite yet (we should have that nailed down in the next week), but it’ll be sometime in the next 4-6 months.

So if you’re a West Coast church planter or know someone who is (or is thinking about planting) and is interested in Missional Communities…here’s what it’s all about:


Increasingly, church planters are wanting to explore new and more effective ways of planting churches in a North American context that is more post-Christian with each passing day. Gone are the days when all you need to do is throw up a worship service with the right marketing and see a church spring up with people who aren’t already Christians. In most places in the United States, this just doesn’t work anymore.

Because of that, many church planters are starting to explore using things like Missional Communities and Huddles to start churches. While this isn’t necessarily new, it is fairly unknown in the United States. SO…we want to help!

If you are a church planter or know of one, because planting provides some very unique challenges, we’ve put aside two whole days to teach on, explore, model, answer questions and provide in-depth consultations on Missional Communities in a church plant setting. Cost will be minimal.

More details to come next week for this West Coast workshop.


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from → mike breen

← Missional Communities series | Final Post it’s gonna be a BIG summer →

2 Comments leave one →

Paul Sorensen permalink

May 23, 2011 6:55 pm I’d love to hear about the West Coast event!

Reply 3.

kevin Haah permalink

June 10, 2011 11:51 pm I would love to hear about the West Coast event as well. Please contact me when it becomes firm. If you need a place to hold the event, let us know.

Kevin Haah

New City Church of LA


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