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Archive Datetime: 2011-05-30T04:12:13

it’s gonna be a BIG summer

May 26, 2011

by Mike Breen

Here is just a a snapshot of things I’ve worked with our team on to release over the next 2-3 months. It’s going to be epic. ;-)

  • We’ll be releasing e-books of our core three books (our European friends will be particularly pleased!): Building a Discipling CultureLaunching Missional Communities and Covenant and Kingdom
  • FREE online Five-Fold Ministry test with analysis. Are you an Apostle, Teacher, Evangelist, Pastor or Prophet?
  • Taster teachings. People have been asking for years that we put videos of our Core Taster Teachings online for people who haven’t been able to make it to a Taster or are interested in coming. Soon you’ll be able to watch them online for free or get free audio downloads. Get excited.
  • We’ll be announcing the ALMOST-FREE West Coast Missional Communities Workshop for Church Planters (I think it’ll be $25 a person to cover food).
  • FREE e-book and PDF of our Core Teachings: Operating System, Spiritual Feudalism, Cultural Earthquake, 5 Capitals, Cultural Temptations and the Story of Sheffield.

And that’s just the beginning.

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Aaron Stimpson permalink

May 26, 2011 6:37 pm Rock and roll!


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