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FREE online Fivefold Ministry test

May 30, 2011

Our friend Tim Harvey (who is in one of our Learning Communities and is at Christ Church Ft. Wayne, which Ben Sternke is pastor of) took the Fivefold Ministry survey you can take at the end of Building a Discipling Culture and put it online for us.

So now…you can take the test online (and it immediately tabulates your results and gives analysis) for free. As Ephesians 4:11 discusses it, are you a Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Apostle or Teacher?

Feel free to take a few minutes and do it yourself and pass it on to anyone you think might be interested by clicking here.


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9 Comments leave one →

Michael Lee Stallard permalink

May 31, 2011 3:16 pm Mike,

Just wanted to pass along that I was facilitating an Alpha course group and a young woman in our group who is in a huddle shared how much she like Life Shapes. Keep up the good work brother! You and your team are making a difference. Just wanted to pass along some encouragement from the trenches.

Wishing you, Sally and your colleagues many blessings and best wishes,



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[Mike Breen]( [permalink]( 

 May 31, 2011 6:17 pm 
Thanks man! Appreciate the kind words.


Jason Rallis permalink

May 31, 2011 6:30 pm Yesss!!

Great stuff, thanks!

Reply 5.

tim bergren permalink

May 31, 2011 11:12 pm Thanks—Love this! Totally accessible and fun! Maybe create a “post results to Facebook” link?


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[Mike Breen]( [permalink]( 

 May 31, 2011 11:54 pm 
Tim, what a fantastic idea. Will get our team to talk to our guy about it.


Drew Hanley permalink

June 2, 2011 3:50 pm Thank you! This is great…I’ve already passed it on to others! I love the perspective of noticing what is lacking. Rather than boasting in our own areas of strength, it seems equally if not more important to make sure we are surrounding ourselves with people who challenge us to grow in the areas where we are not as strong. It was great getting to know you and your team at Exponential in April!


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[Mike Breen]( [permalink]( 

 June 2, 2011 3:53 pm 
Thanks Drew, glad it was helpful!


richard permalink

June 28, 2011 9:37 am Mike. Thanks again for all your great insights and material.

I was reading Andrew Dowsett’s paper on 5 fold ministry ( He struck a chord when he states “In my view, the Fivefold Ministries Questionnaire offered by Breen and Kallestad as a tool for helping to discern your ministry, while a helpful starting-point, is flawed in relation to the prophet because it places too much emphasis on such charismatic gifts. We need a broader understanding of prophetic ministry.”

I really felt this myself and have found that it tends to result in inaccurate readings amongst Christians with prophetic gifting from other traditions who are less exposed to the language and emphasis of popular Charismatic culture. I think this would be a helpful area to revisit.



  1. Five Fold Gifts for ALL People By Ricardo Butler | Ricardo Equips Leadership Blog

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