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a window in…

June 2, 2011

While Sally and I are on sabbatical, the 3DM team living in Pawleys Island, SC are really continuing to live like a family on mission. One of the things people frequently talk about when they visit or are with us during Learning Communities is that our team (including all of the spouse’s and kids) act as one big Missional Community…because we are! We pray together, laugh together, go to movies together, see people come to know Jesus together, eat together, basically…we truly live life together. We function as a spiritual extended family.

I thought I’d give one little practical thing the team is doing this summer to ensure we live out these family rhythms. You see, we’re acutely aware that when summer comes…things get harder. People are more transient. People mentally check out. People probably aren’t as plugged in with their faith or commitments to relationships. So whatever you do in the summer with something like Missional Communities…it needs to be VERY easy.

Well our extended family in Pawleys has decided to get together every Thursday night at a local mexican joint called Habaneros. When you add all of the adults and kids running around, it’s something like 32+ people. So they eat. Talk about the week. Enjoy each other. Have delicious salsa and chips and better than average chimichangas. (My favorite is that Steve Cockrams kids always order chicken tenders and french fries at a mexican place!) And then, after dinner, there is a big open space in the front of the restaurant and the dads play soccer with all the kids.

For the first few weeks it’s just the 3DM team, but in the upcoming weeks, they’ll start inviting Persons of Peace (people God has prepared in advance to be open to you and the Gospel) to come hang out too. Just tethering them into these relationships.

It’s simple things like this that can keep your Missional Community on track for the summer, keep a sense of momentum and really see massive breakthrough when you head into the fall.


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2 Comments leave one →

Sonny Mathew permalink

June 7, 2011 2:31 am Hello Mike, Enjoy your sabbatical…my wife and I are here for the June 7-8 workshop which you recommended for me to attend when I meet you at expomential 2011. By the way I am the Indian brother from Virginia Beach. You will be missed. ~Sonny

Reply 3.

jamogck permalink

June 7, 2011 4:50 pm Hey there – I just came across your post here as I was searching for “family rhythms” on Google. I have been writing a bit about family rhythms myself; particularly in missional community. Curious to learn more about 3DM on your blog!


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