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Church planter workshop pics

June 14, 2011

by Mike Breen

Here are a few pictures from last week from our East Coast church planter workshop on Missional Communities (you can read some reflections on the workshop itself by clicking here). We had about 115 church planters make the trip out to Pawleys Island (undoubtedly the beach had something to do with that decision) for two days as we discussed how to plant churches using Missional Communities. The days consisted of teaching inputs and Q&A in a beautiful wooden chapel, a chance to experience MCs in real life flesh and blood (so it’s not all theory but reality), team consultations, lunches, dinners, time at the beach, worship, prayer, etc.

And, as we’ve mentioned before and are delighted to say, we are having a West Coast workshop for church planters…and it will be on September 13 & 14 in San Francisco. More details and registration to come soon.

Picture quality isn’t great, but it’s better than nothing, right?

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3 Comments leave one →

Chuck Harrison permalink

June 14, 2011 12:58 pm This was a great experience in a beautiful setting. I’d recommend it to anyone exploring this approach to planting a church.

Reply 2.

Cynthia H. permalink

June 16, 2011 1:55 am Yep, I was there. A great setting, a great team, and a mighty revelation that has rocked my world and changed my life (in ways I’m not even aware of yet)!



  1. 5 Things I’m seeing in Church Planters — Doug Paul

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