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Archive Datetime: 2011-07-09T05:23:21

great quote

June 20, 2011

by Mike Breen

The truth may set you free, but first it will shatter the safe, sweet way that you live.

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michael wallenmeyer permalink

June 20, 2011 12:27 pm like it! thanks for sharing it.who is it from? Mike Breen?

Reply 2.

Chris Thomas permalink

June 20, 2011 3:30 pm OK, but who said it?

Reply 3.

Chris Thomas permalink

June 20, 2011 6:18 pm The quote is nice, but who said it?

Reply 4.

Mike Breen permalink*

June 21, 2011 11:06 pm Sorry everyone! The quote is from Sue Monk Kidd. It’s from the book “Dance of the Dissident Daughter.” I can in NO WAY endorse where she ends up with her line of thinking with the book, but it’s a great quote.


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