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Kairos watches — surprising places God breaks in

August 23, 2011

The 3DM family includes a group called Wayfarer, who are the expert when it comes to resourcing for discipleship and mission as it relates to teenagers and young adults.

Each year they put on an amazing summer camp for teens and this summer’s Wayfarer Camp theme was Kairos. To accompany the theme, they created Kairos Slap Watches — as a tangible reminder that God can break in at any time. To say that everyone went crazy for the watches would be an understatement. Who’s to say if it was the addictive property of slap bracelets, the 90s nostalgia or the message itself — but kids and youth workers alike were wearing the watches, trading the faces, creating slap watch games and talking about where God was breaking through in their lives. It was fantastic to see.

At first we only produced enough for camp, but we kept being asked by friends of followers where they could get Kairos slap watches for themselves. And while we aren’t exactly looking to go into the fashion business, we thought the requests might be an indicator that there’s demand. So as of today, you can have your own Kairos Slap Watch for $10 in large or small sizes.

Below is a video we were sent by the staff of The Well, a college ministry at The University of Alabama, where Kairos watches will surely sweep the campus this fall. It made us laugh out loud, so we thought you might enjoy it.

You’ll also find some pictures of the watch, which you can order here:

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2 Comments leave one →

suzanne bridge permalink

August 23, 2011 1:26 pm please find someone to sell them through in the uk – Eden perhaps?

Reply 2.

dora permalink

August 27, 2011 11:26 pm Perfect slap watch, great gift and funny toy for children.I like them so much.


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