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Building a Discipling Culture

September 6, 2011

by Mike Breen

Today we released ebooks for the three books that have become part of the core content of 3DM. But perhaps the thing we are most excited about is the re-written and newly released 2nd edition of Building a Discipling Culture via ebooks. One of the things we found when we released the first edition of this book is that people were absolutely enamored by the discipling language and proces we discuss in the book and this discipling vehicle we call Huddle. However, we didn’t have a lot of practical information for HOW to use the vehicle of Huddle to disciple people and what a discipling leader must specifically do to build a discipling culture. This released 2nd edition answers those questions in a very practical and helpful way.

60% of the content is new and we’ve written it so a lay leader in any church setting would be able to use it and understand it. We’ve started to get reviews on the book (check out for a few) and we’ve been really pleased with the feedback.

So, ladies and gentlemen, we hope you enjoy it! Pick up your electronic copy today for your ipad, kindle or nook (the hard copy edition of this book should be available in mid-October). Click here to download the ebook today. Here is the text from the back cover of the book which gives an excellent description about what the book is about:


Much ink and many pages have been devoted to all of the missional issues facing the Western church today. As our culture becomes more post-Christian with each passing day, we are all realizing that what has worked in the past is no longer working, that we are far less effective for the Kingdom than we were even 10 years ago. But we would suggest it isn’t because we don’t know what the Great Commission states, or that the imperatives of the Gospel or our church services just aren’t getting it done. It’s because we are in the midst of a discipleship crisis in the Western church. The people sitting in our pews are rarely becoming like the people we read about in Scripture. They may come to a worship service, join a small group or even tithe, but their lives just don’t seem to be look like Jesus’ life.

The truth of the matter is that we don’t have a missional problem or leadership problem in the Western church. We have a discipleship problem. If we make disciples like Jesus made them, we’ll never have a problem finding leaders or seeing new people coming to faith.

The central issue is that we have no idea how to make disciples who can do the things that Jesus did for the reasons Jesus did them. Building a Discipling Culture is the product of more than 25 years of hands-on discipleship practice in a post-Christian context that has turned into a worldwide discipling movement, dealing specifically with how to make the types of missional disciples Jesus spoke of. We all want to make disciples. Most of us are unsure how to do it.

Dallas Willard put it this way: “Every church needs to be able to answer two questions. One, do we have a plan for making disciples? Two, does our plan work?”

For most of our church communities, we have a plan, but the plan isn’t working. If you find yourself in this situation, this book is for you.

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Alice Smith (@funkydoofamily) permalink

September 7, 2011 3:12 pm Just blogged at as, coincidentally, introduced Huddle to a group of youthworkers in Essex yesterday morning. Got home to find it was publication day! Glad to be part of spreading the word about such a great resource. Thanks



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