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Archive Datetime: 2012-05-04T04:10:55

You keep saying “Persons of Peace” were Jesus’ most strategic tactic for evangelism. How does it work?

May 3, 2012

Each week, via a short, 2-3 minute video we try to answer one practical question that we hear lots of people asking. Our hope is that these will be helpful, but will also spur on conversation and more questions in the comment section. If you want to keep digging around with questions related to this topic, post the comment, and we’ll be interacting with these daily.

Today’s question is answered by Jo Saxton, who I’ve known for more than 17 years and who has served on my teams for almost that long. She is a BRILLIANT leader and for this post is looking to explain Jesus’ most strategic (yet simple) evangelism tactic: Persons of Peace.



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2 Comments leave one →

Al Giles permalink

May 3, 2012 1:44 pm I get it! I love it!

But, at this point, all we’ve got is a Leaders Huddle. (No real Missional Community to speak of. Just the “institutioinal” church congregation.)

What do I / we invite these “People of Peace” to do or to join up with in relationship?

Do just “hang out” with them in very informal relationships with those of us in huddle?

Do we form a small group?

Do we initiate a new huddle?

Where does it go from the initial conversation & fledgling relationship formation?

Reply 2.

Steve Jacob permalink

May 3, 2012 6:20 pm Thanks for the tips on reaching POP – From my experience lately there seems to be the issue of pressing through the disappointments when you find people are not really POP towards you- sometimes they take a bit of hunting down


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