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Entity: Mike Breen


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Archive Datetime: 2011-09-26T23:10:41

Family, Friends + Followers

One of the things God has made increasingly clear to me is that the slice of the discipling + missional movement I oversee must be incredibly strong at providing resources and training. That being said, I really don’t want my blog to be a never ending series of announcements, you know? So we’ve created a group called Family, Friends + Follwers. Essentially, if you’re someone who wants to be connected to me and 3DM and know about all of the new and different training/ resources we have coming available, this group is for you. It is not a spam list. We will not be constantly hitting you up and hawking new products. We will probably email you 3-6 times a year and it will always include access to resources that aren’t available to anyone else. For instance, it might include:

  • Webinars on the practicalities of discipleship and mission that is only for this group
  • When I’m about to release a new book, you’ll have access to it at least a week in advance and when possible, for significantly discounted rates
  • Free ebooks that we don’t release to anyone else
  • Free training events
  • etc

If this is a group you’d like to be part of, simply send an email to me at and in the subject line put “Family, Friends + Followers”. In the body of the email, please provide your name, where you live and your email address. Thanks everyone!

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Cheryl Potts permalink

September 2, 2011 1:06 am Thanks Mike & Sally. This is fantastic news and much appreciative for us Australians.

Looking forward to the Ebooks coming out etc

Cheryl & Malcolm Potts


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