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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T22:02:35



Social Responsibility You’ve probably heard the term “social justice.” There’s plenty of talk about it these days. Social justice has become a big topic in recent years, but there seems to be a disconnect. While there is a lot of talk about the issues, when it comes to actually doing something about them there tends to be a lack of response. At elements we’re committed to not just talking about social justice; we want to live it. We believe it’s part of our responsibility to help those in need. Whether it’s through the act of raking someone’s yard, serving meals to the homeless, or building latrines for families in Colombia, we aspire to be a voice of hope by coming alongside those who have needs in our community, this city, and the world. We have several “social responsibility” opportunities throughout the year, and we’d love to have you join us. Pictures from Bocachica 2010
Pictures from India 2010

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