Note: This is an archived version of the page from related to North Heights Lutheran Church.

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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T22:07:09




Welcome! We are a gathering of college students and young adults who believe we are called to discover more of who God is and the significant calling He has for each of our lives; live in relationship and community with each other; and serve together by being a voice of hope to those in need.

If you are new to elements or to our website here are some places we encourage you to check out so you can understand more of who we are and what we’re about:

We encourage you to visit our next gathering. “the gathering” is  the large group meeting of elements. It meets every other Tuesday night.  At the gathering you’ll get a good feel for who we are and it also is  a great opportunity for you to make some new friends. For more on the gathering go here.

• On the “home” page you’ll find out more info about who we are and what our purpose is as a community.

• We also encourage you to check out our “events” page to find out info on our latest events and gatherings.

• If you have questions about anything from things you’re dealing with in your life, to questions about God and faith, or questions  about our events and gatherings, we would love to hear from you. Go to the “contact” page  or email/call us at; 651-797-7832.

Connect on facebook!

The elements is on Facebook. On our fan page, you can connect with people, have discussion about topics and other really facebooky stuff!


Follow us on twitter!

We went ahead and joined the bandwagon. Elements is now on twitter. Help us feel more wellcome by following us.


Contuct UsContact Us

Send us really cool stuff. Links to articles, prayer requests, update on a mission trip or a great topic idea, shoot it over.


Copyright © 2010 - a ministry of North Heights Lutheran Church