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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T21:58:48



The Leadership Team

/files/elements/images/ben solllie photo.jpg Ben SollieDirector of Young Adults Fun Facts about Ben: Born in: Cuenca, Ecuador (South America)Education: B.A. in Coffee Brewing Techniques (ok that’s a lie, but it would be a great degree).Family: Married to Amy: “my beautiful and amazing soulmate.“Hobbies/Interests:   Reading a good book at Starbucks, watching Sports Center and 24, spending time with his family, grilling out with friends in the summer. Ben likes traveling, Chipotle, and Juan Valdez Coffee. He dislikes winter, country music, and disunity in the Church. Other interesting facts:  He may be horrible at English punctuation and grammar BUT he speaks two languages fluently (English and Spanish). Take that English teachers! Contact Ben: Email: Ben.Sollie@nhlc.orgFacebook: click hereTwitter: @bensollie —

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