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Entity: North Heights Lutheran Church


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Archive Datetime: 2010-11-27T21:58:25



small groups

At elements, one of our main hopes is that you grow in your faith and experience community with other young adults. We believe that happens through small groups. If on a regular basis you don’t have accountable friendships with a close group of other young adults we believe you’re missing out on some great opportunities to grow in your faith and to experience true community.

We have several opportunities for you to get involved in small groups.  If you are interested in joining a small group please fill out the below information and we will get back to you shortly.

For questions contact  Ben at 651-797-7832 or email us at



Address where you will live in the fall:

College Name:



City: State: Zip:

What are you hoping to find in a small group?

What kind of issues/topics would you like to address in a small group?

Are there others you’d like to have in a small group?

Connect on facebook!

The elements is on Facebook. On our fan page, you can connect with people, have discussion about topics and other really facebooky stuff!


Follow us on twitter!

We went ahead and joined the bandwagon. Elements is now on twitter. Help us feel more wellcome by following us.


Contuct UsContact Us

Send us really cool stuff. Links to articles, prayer requests, update on a mission trip or a great topic idea, shoot it over.


Copyright © 2010 - a ministry of North Heights Lutheran Church