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elements fall retreat is a weekend full of worship, Bible study, great food, games, and a great opportunity to relax and  spend time with friends. 

The theme for the retreat is OVERFLOW.  /files/images/Opportunites/register.jpg
There’s a place in our lives from which every action and thought comes from. It affects everything we do. From its OVERFLOW we look, decide, act, speak, want, move, and change. The heart matters. We need to know what is happening in our hearts if we want to see change and growth. What’s going on in our hearts? What needs to be fixed? How do we protect our hearts from the things that try to destroy it?

Join us as we look at the importance of our heart and how by addressing our heart matters we find the OVERFLOW of freedom, hope, and healing.

Camp Ihduhapi in Loretto, MN (Located on Lake Independence, about 45 minutes West of the Twin Cities).
We’ll meet at Door B of North Heights Church, Arden Hills Campus and from there car pool to the retreat center.

Friday – Sunday, November 12-14
Meet at North Heights Lutheran Church, Arden Hills Campus at 6:30pm on Friday, November 12. 
We will return to North Heights around 2pm on Sunday, November 14.

Cost for the retreat is $43. Make checks payable to North Heights.

What to Bring? (aka “the packing list”)
Sleeping bag, pillow, Bible, pen, notebook, towel, personal care stuff (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, tooth paste, etc.), warm clothes for outdoor games (i.e. sludge ball), and a great attitude. If it can’t get lost, stolen, or damaged, we suggest you leave it at home. 

RegistrationOnline registration is now open! /files/images/Opportunites/register.jpg
Click here to download the registration form. Please send a check to:
North Heights Lutheran Church
c/o elements
1700 W Hwy. 96, Arden Hills, MN 55112

Remember to make checks payable to North Heights

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